
Info Page

Data Protection

Your privacy is very important to me. I will only use your personal information to provide the services you have requested and will not share your contact details with anyone else. All information is stored safely and securely. From time to time I may contact you about new treatments or with related information. Your initial consultation form will allow you to opt in or out of these communications. If you wish to change this at any point, please contact me via phone, email or text

For confirmation, I am the data protection officer

All major credit and debit cards accepted


Treatment notes
During your first appointment you will be asked to complete a consultation form and we will discuss your treatment and the products I use before we start. Some allergies, injuries, skin complaints or infections may affect the treatments that I can offer and may require a doctor’s note before treatment can commence.

Overthorpe Massage Therapy is a Women’s Only Massage Business

Under 16s can be treated when accompanied by a parent or guardian and with signed consent form

Treatments are by appointment only