



Life can be hectic and demanding. Many of us spend hours behind desks, in cars, carrying bags, doing housework, gardening and leisure activities which can all take a toll on our bodies. Relaxation is a process that decreases the effects of stress on both mind and body. With massage, you get the added physiological effects as well

massage techniques ~ swedish massage

The five main techniques used in Swedish Massage Therapy are designed to either stimulate or relax muscles, fascia and skin. In brief, this serves to increase the circulation of blood and lymph, softens and relaxes the tissues, reduces cortisol levels (stress hormone) in the body and provides a sense of relaxation and well being.

In more detail - Massage dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, acts as a mechanical cleanser stimulating lymph circulation and helps the body eliminate toxins. It stretches connective tissue, breaking down or preventing adhesion and disperses oedema, lessening pain and facilitating movement. The increase in circulation of nutrients and blood to sebaceous glands increases the production of sebum, making skin soft, supply and giving it a healthy glow.

deep Tissue Massage

Why is this good for us?

Deep Tissue massage is not just ‘firmer pressure’. Muscles are ‘hooked’ or ‘grabbed’, stretching and lengthening them to separate adhered muscle compartments. Regular Deep Tissue massage will reduce chronic pain, improve blood pressure, break up scar tissue, improve flexibility and suppleness and provide stress relief.

Strokes are considerably slower as the therapist waits for a slow release of tension. This provides better alignment of the muscles and less restriction in the joints, improving movement and function. Neuromuscular techniques are used to release pressure and friction in areas of strain in the muscle, sometimes known as trigger points, which can be the cause of muscular pain symptoms.

Muscle tension and fascia tension are both treated. Fascia is three dimensional, running not just around the muscles but also through them. Stretching alone cannot penetrate your muscles to reach tight fascia, but your therapist can.

Not just physical benefit

Psychological benefits of massage

  • improves self esteem

  • relaxes mind and body

  • reduces tension, stress and anxiety

  • enables better sleep patterns

  • increases in overall energy levels

  • improves ability to cope with everyday life

  • provides positive lift to emotions and feelings